Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Before and After: Week Three

So, now time to tell you lovely people about my week!  Trying to deal with difficult skin problems can be a hassle specially whenever you have one that can come and go so easily it seems!  My KP seemed to be gone on my arms after I used my Baiden Mitten last week, but came back, slightly.  When I say slightly, I mean hardly, maybe a few bumps.  That CAN'T be a bad thing.  Yes it did come back but it's not nearly like it use to be and I'm happy with that.  I think my most troubling area is my legs!  The KP still seems to be there, but you can't expect miracles over night, right?  

With that said, I'm excited to do twice a week to see how that's going to work for me, but also, I think I'm going to adjust that after seeing and feeling my results today.  I will probably do my most troubling areas twice a week and my whole body just once a week.  I tried using coconut oil today because it was suggested I do so.  I put a VERY thin layer all over my body, but I don't think my face liked it much or I may have scrubbed my face too hard.  Now, the rest of my body seemed to enjoy using coconut oil but it also did leave slightly greasy feeling on certain parts of my body.  Not all, just some.

Also, after really looking at myself using this mitten for three weeks, I noticed how pretty my feet look now!  I can tell you, my feet were always really dry, cracked, and sometimes would even bleed.  I haven't had that problem since I've used the mitten.  I just really wish I had a before picture for you guys to really get the full effect of how my feet use to look.  I've also tried so many other things for my feet: lotions, those little feet scrubs that look like graters.  None of it worked, but this did.  Now on to the before and afters!

Okay, up first is my face.  First thing I want to note is how red my cheeks look in the second picture!  You can see it better in the side face ones, but you can still notice it in this too.  My skin tone seems to be evening out though besides my red cheeks.   Hmm.. I wonder how long it'll be before my dark circles go away!

Here's the lips!  You can see a small, dry spot on my upper lip, but that's a hug improvement since my first day using the Baiden Mitten.  You can see my lips are holding moisture much better now.  

Look at my cheek in my after picture on the top half of this.  You can see my cheek looks a tad bit irritated.  If that happens it is either telling me it's the coconut oil, or I'm using my mitten too hard!  No worries though, it's already gone down significantly since I've taken that picture and that's been about an hour ago. 

I hope you can tell that there is no KP on this part of my arm.  I've pretty much eliminated it completely from my arms but it might be a little while before I don't have to worry about breaking out between uses. 

This is probably the most impressive photo this week!  My stretch marks!  Now, I know what you might be thinking, "You look like you're bending forward in the upper photo making it look like the stretch mark is wrinkled!"  I can assure you I'm standing just as straight in both pictures.  Even as I'm sitting down right now, I can tell you that there is very little wrinkle to that stretch mark.  And look!  The stretch marks are even redder!  More room for improvement! <3
Ah, and the legs.  Honestly, the improvement is hard to see in these photos.  You can tell the skin tone is evening out though.  If you look you can see my legs can be a little splotchy.  What I've noticed though is my KP seems to be drying out.  I can only assume this is a good sign and I'm pretty thankful for it. I can only feel a few bumps on my legs!
I also wanted to note that I have not had any breakouts since that first week.  Not one little bit.  The only marks on my skin that I have gotten are ones from my cats scratching me trying to play.  They have sharp claws!

I've also come to the realization that maybe you guys want to learn more about this mitten!  You can do so at any of the following links.  I can tell you I researched and watched tons of reviews before I purchased, including Sorelle Amore's from Pinuppassion.com

Please let me know if you have any questions at all!  If I do not know the answer I can get it for you!

Till next time!
Bella Marie <3

1 comment:

  1. gosh! you can really see a difference on your tummy. so awesome!
    i want one for mine!!
