Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week four! And special giveaway!

Okay ladies and gents, this is it, the one month extravaganza!  That's right.  It has been one whole month since I have first used my Baiden Mitten.  Yes I know this post is a few days late and I apologize, but unfortunately life happens!  The good news is, I teamed up with the Baiden Mitten management to bring you guys something really special!  A GIVEAWAY!  Honestly, I'm so impressed with how my Baiden Mitten has worked for me that I wanted to make sure the word got out!  They're allowing me to give away three Baiden Mittens, for free, to three, that's right, THREE lucky winners!

Fulfill the tasks bellow for multiple entries to the giveaway!  Good luck to everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Okay now on to my month long before and afters!

Okay, as you can see I'm using the pictures from before I used my Baiden Mitten the very first time.  What do you think?  Honestly I see a great deal of difference here.  My skin is becoming more evenly toned and the dark circles under my eyes are starting to go away.  

Here are more close ups of the side of my face.  Again, my skin tone looks so much more evenly toned.  I love it!  I still have those red cheeks of course!  They just don't seem to be as bad!  Hopefully this will continue.  

Oh the lips.. Yes lips!  There's something about lips that says so much.  I can tell you before my Baiden Mitten my lips were very chapped, can you tell?  That barely happens anymore.  They're so much more full of life.  I don't even need to use chapstick anymore.  

It's hard to tell the difference here, but there is one.  Again my skin is becoming more evenly toned and super soft!  Those little bumps are also becoming less noticeable.  I never really had too many on my arms though like I do my legs.  
Oh look at my beautiful mommy marks!  Can you tell that they're really starting to lessen?  They're not as deep as they use to be.  My belly again, super soft!  I'm also thrilled again that the marks are becoming red.  That gives me hope that they could lessen even more and become unnoticeable.  

Awww, and the legs, with the Kp (Keratosis Pilaris).  This product has helped me so much with my KP.  I'm so thankful for it too.  I still have a ways to go before it actually stops coming back, but after last week, I'm very hopeful.  The fact that after my first shower after using it last week made them almost completely disappear is phenomenal!  Also, you can see from the top picture that the pumps were actually pumps, they're no longer like that.  They're just spots now on my skin.  No bumps, just evenly soft skin!

So at the end of the month, do I have the most beautiful skin I have ever had?!  YES!  Would I continue to purchase this product?  Absolutely!  Will I continue to show you the results and share wonderful information along the way?  You bet!  I plan on giving tons of information about exfoliating and natural ways to hydrate your skin. So this isn't the end of the road!  

Are you still interested in learning more about this wonderful mitten?  Or maybe you don't want to wait 3 weeks to be a potential winner?  Click the links below and get started!  <3

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A day later...

So, I realize that I'm not being completely fair.  When you see my skin about 6-8 hours after I have used the Baiden Mitten my skin is still in a healing process!  Things have not quite calmed down yet, and you can't expect it to after you've done such a deep exfoliation of your skin, right?  Well, I'm going to show you exactly why I decided to do this post, first though lets look at a picture of my leg with that lovely Keratosis Pilaris, or chicken skin. 

Above you can see a before and after shot.  That is from Tuesday.  The one on top is before my use of the Baiden Mitten and the one on the bottom is from about 6-8 hours after.  The one on the right is before I got into the shower.  I noticed that my KP didn't look as "angry" as it usually does!
(And yes, I wear black socks! :D  )

I took a close up so everyone could see, that yes, my KP is starting to be less prominent on my skin.  It is starting to even out, and I'm loving it!  I'm finally starting to get the beautiful skin I've always wanted!  It's taking a while, but nothing else has worked nearly as well as this little mitten!

I thought, well, that other picture is in shade so I took one with some shade on my leg!  It still doesn't look nearly as bad as it did before.  I was pretty happy about that too.  For some reason the shade makes them pop a little more but still looks better to me!  I'll let you judge for yourself.  Wait until you see the next pictures though!

Want to know something amazing about the two photos above?  I had just gotten out of the shower, and I even SHAVED!  My legs are always irritated and the bumps get worse after I actually use a razor.  They seem to even look better, and shaving was so much easier than it usually is when I didn't exfoliate with my Baiden Mitten.  

I can't tell you how excited this makes me.  I almost want to just cry at the results I have gotten so far with my Baiden Mitten.  My skin has never been so soft, and I've never got my KP to even out nearly as much as I have before this.  I thought I was stuck with these ugly red bumps for the rest of my life, but I'm seeing I'm wrong.  I have probably checked my legs about ten times since I've gotten out of the shower to see if my eyes weren't deceiving me.  They're not.  They're practically gone now.  Looking at this, I might not even have to use my Baiden Mitten twice a week.  I really wish I would have ordered this sooner!  I don't even think I need to buy lotion anymore my skin is so soft.

Here again are the links for information or if you want to order your own.  I'm telling you, you won't regret ordering it.  There is a 60 day money back guarantee on this product, but it won't even take you a month to become a believer and have the best skin you've ever had!  And as always, if you have any questions, let me know!  I'll be happy to answer them. :)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Before and After: Week Three

So, now time to tell you lovely people about my week!  Trying to deal with difficult skin problems can be a hassle specially whenever you have one that can come and go so easily it seems!  My KP seemed to be gone on my arms after I used my Baiden Mitten last week, but came back, slightly.  When I say slightly, I mean hardly, maybe a few bumps.  That CAN'T be a bad thing.  Yes it did come back but it's not nearly like it use to be and I'm happy with that.  I think my most troubling area is my legs!  The KP still seems to be there, but you can't expect miracles over night, right?  

With that said, I'm excited to do twice a week to see how that's going to work for me, but also, I think I'm going to adjust that after seeing and feeling my results today.  I will probably do my most troubling areas twice a week and my whole body just once a week.  I tried using coconut oil today because it was suggested I do so.  I put a VERY thin layer all over my body, but I don't think my face liked it much or I may have scrubbed my face too hard.  Now, the rest of my body seemed to enjoy using coconut oil but it also did leave slightly greasy feeling on certain parts of my body.  Not all, just some.

Also, after really looking at myself using this mitten for three weeks, I noticed how pretty my feet look now!  I can tell you, my feet were always really dry, cracked, and sometimes would even bleed.  I haven't had that problem since I've used the mitten.  I just really wish I had a before picture for you guys to really get the full effect of how my feet use to look.  I've also tried so many other things for my feet: lotions, those little feet scrubs that look like graters.  None of it worked, but this did.  Now on to the before and afters!

Okay, up first is my face.  First thing I want to note is how red my cheeks look in the second picture!  You can see it better in the side face ones, but you can still notice it in this too.  My skin tone seems to be evening out though besides my red cheeks.   Hmm.. I wonder how long it'll be before my dark circles go away!

Here's the lips!  You can see a small, dry spot on my upper lip, but that's a hug improvement since my first day using the Baiden Mitten.  You can see my lips are holding moisture much better now.  

Look at my cheek in my after picture on the top half of this.  You can see my cheek looks a tad bit irritated.  If that happens it is either telling me it's the coconut oil, or I'm using my mitten too hard!  No worries though, it's already gone down significantly since I've taken that picture and that's been about an hour ago. 

I hope you can tell that there is no KP on this part of my arm.  I've pretty much eliminated it completely from my arms but it might be a little while before I don't have to worry about breaking out between uses. 

This is probably the most impressive photo this week!  My stretch marks!  Now, I know what you might be thinking, "You look like you're bending forward in the upper photo making it look like the stretch mark is wrinkled!"  I can assure you I'm standing just as straight in both pictures.  Even as I'm sitting down right now, I can tell you that there is very little wrinkle to that stretch mark.  And look!  The stretch marks are even redder!  More room for improvement! <3
Ah, and the legs.  Honestly, the improvement is hard to see in these photos.  You can tell the skin tone is evening out though.  If you look you can see my legs can be a little splotchy.  What I've noticed though is my KP seems to be drying out.  I can only assume this is a good sign and I'm pretty thankful for it. I can only feel a few bumps on my legs!
I also wanted to note that I have not had any breakouts since that first week.  Not one little bit.  The only marks on my skin that I have gotten are ones from my cats scratching me trying to play.  They have sharp claws!

I've also come to the realization that maybe you guys want to learn more about this mitten!  You can do so at any of the following links.  I can tell you I researched and watched tons of reviews before I purchased, including Sorelle Amore's from

Please let me know if you have any questions at all!  If I do not know the answer I can get it for you!

Till next time!
Bella Marie <3

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Before and After: Week Two!

Okay, so it's been one week since I've used the Baiden Mitten for the first time!  Since then I have learned more about this mitten and what it does.  First off, I'm pretty sure it made the back part of my neck break out.  Don't let that discourage you though, honestly, with all the sweating you do you really have to make sure you rinse off completely, and I may not have done that.  Not only that but usually I rinse with cold water after a shower of such to close my pores to help prevent this and I didn't do that the first time.  That's the only bad news I have to offer and it's already gone as well.  Ready for the good news?  Since I've used my Baiden Mitten, I've noticed my skin absorbs so much more now!  I use Dove gentle exfoliating body wash with NutriumMosture.  Honestly, before the Baiden Mitten, it's the only thing that has remotely worked on hydrating my skin.  So, every time I jump into the shower now, my skin just takes everything in like a vacuum!  It stays hydrated longer as well because of this!  I'm so impressed with that!

Now to this weeks results!  First I want to note that I probably should have taken the rolled skin pictures again.  Not only did I produce dead skin but MORE of it than last time.  You read that right, MORE.  I couldn't believe it!  I figure that after a while the dead skin would decrease, but it didn't.  My skin again is ten times softer than before I used it, and I can't stop touching my face, arms, and my belly (even with the mommy marks!)  My legs are going to need the most help because of the KP, because that's where I have it the worst.  My arms are almost completely free of any signs of KP so that has to be a good sign as well.  After all I'm only two weeks into this and still have two more to go for the first month.  Remember the claim?  One month and I should have the skin I've always wanted!  Even if it doesn't get rid of my Kp after four uses, I'm not going to give up that it could work for it.  I'm going to start using it twice a week after the first month: Mondays and Thursdays.  I figure since I use exfoliation all the time on my skin anyways, I can start doing two times a week after a month.
So, honestly I'm not seeing too much of a difference in general about my face.  You would be able to feel the difference though because it is A LOT smoother than it was before.  Other than that, I feel I have more color to my face, which is a good thing.
Again, not too much of a difference.  I feel my face looks smoother than the before and you can see where the pimple scar I had below my lip has lightened up. Never a bad thing.
This is the biggest improvement this time, my lips! They have a better color, don't look nearly as chapped, if even at all, they also seem to have plumped up.  Added bonus there!
So, just like with my face the major difference is the way my skin feels.  A lot smoother again, and I'm really happy about that.  The KP seems to be almost gone on my arms, so I'm just worried about my legs now!

Now, the major thing I noticed about my tummy is the color of the stretch marks.  They seem to be more red than before.  If you're thinking this is a bad thing, it's not.  When your stretch marks are still red that is the best time to use creams to reduce or get rid of them because they're fresh.  When they turn white, they're like scar tissue and all those lotions and such won't help nearly as much.  So, this is a good thing!

I'm sorry that the blog seems to have made this picture so tiny!  The top part is the inside of my left leg and the bottom is the outside of my left leg.  You can still see I have KP on the outside but not as much on the inside.  I think with some patients I can get it under control!

And the angry red dot on my back side.. still looks just as angry!  I think I'll have my doc take a look at it. lol
Okay, so what do you ladies and gents think?  Two more weeks to go and I'll be going to two times a week.  I think I'll be rid of KP doing that.  When I go to two times a week I'll still only be doing a once a week blog of before and afters unless asked by popular demand!  I would also like to note that my hubby is noticing the difference in my skin from before the Baiden Mitten to the after, that is awesome to think it's not all in my head! :)

(You can purchase a Baiden Mitten here.  Everything is secure and even though they say they take 1-2 weeks it only took less than one for me to get mine!  Any questions?  Comment bellow!)

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Where to get your Baiden Mitten!

I have had many people ask me where they can get their Baiden Mitten!  I will supply a link here for you to follow that not only gives you the option to purchase your Baiden Mitten but will have all the information that you will ever need about it.

Click here to be transferred to their site.  

I will also start to add this at the bottom of every post that I do.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me, and I will do my best to answer your questions or find the answer for you!

Thank you guys for taking a look at my blog!  I can't wait to show you more results from this wonderful little mitten!

Bella Marie <3

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Before and after: Week One

 So, as promised I have my before and after shots.  As a note, none of this has been edited in any way, even though I probably should have.  I look like caca.  All for the sake of a decent review I might add!  You will probably see that I'm not very bashful, or I try not to be.  So, be nice please!  Body shamming has never done anything but make people feel bad about themselves.  

So, the picture above is of my tummy.  I really didn't think this out as well as I should have.  For one you can tell the light is very different and that I had tight pants on causing those wrinkles.  I ask that you don't focus on that this time around and just kind of look at the stretch marks themselves.  You can see that they lightened up, at least a little, which is promising.  

The one above this time is of a bump that I have on my back side.  I'm not sure what it is, at all.  I've had it for a while and it can hurt and be itchy.  I'm hoping that the Baiden Mitten will help me with this as well, but honestly it looks like it might have irritated it more.  I still have some hope then.

So, here are some pictures of the sides of my face.  A little improvement I think.  I hope it continues on this path.

I think this shows a good deal of improvement.  You can see all my little freckles from being out in the sun earlier.  I really don't mind freckles, honestly, but you can tell I have less in the "after" picture.  (Oh my bags under my eyes!)

Remember me talking about "Chicken Skin," also known as Keratosis Pilaris?  This is a great picture to provide you with what it looks like.  You can see that it is greatly improved after using my Baiden Mitten.  I'm probably most thankful for that!

Now, here's a picture of my lips that are OFTEN chapped.  You can tell in this one and the pictures of my full face how chapped they get.  This is after one use of the Baiden Mitten.  Another aspect that I'm pretty impressed with, I must say!  

Now here's your grand finale!  You'll only get this once guys, I don't see the need to keep posting this over and over again unless in a video.  This is exactly what you probably think it is; dead skin that the Baiden Mitten rolled off of my good skin.  THAT in itself makes me feel that the money is worth this tiny little mitten.
Now, these photos were all taken within 6 hours of each other.  The long time period is due to how red my skin was after using the Baiden Mitten the first time.  I will post these EVERY Tuesday, now that I have a cord for my camera!  I'm sorry for the wait, guys.  I know people can get impatient with these things.  I'll also be sure to wear more comfy clothes to avoid the marks on my tum-tum, and be sure to take all pictures in the same location.  Again I apologize for that.. I got really excited when I first received this!  After all, it was my Mother's Day gift, early. :)

(You can purchase a Baiden Mitten here.  Everything is secure and even though they say they take 1-2 weeks it only took less than one for me to get mine!  Any questions?  Comment bellow!)

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

They told me to expect miracles..

I bet almost everyone reading this right now has had some sort of skin issue.. too oily, too dry, too bumpy, acne, stretch marks, loose skin, and the list goes on.  We have to shop and shop to find different products to purchase to help with each and every single one of these ailments separately  or maybe one may help with one ailment and make another worse.  Then, specially as women, we feel that we need to hide our skin problems from the world!  I know there are some guys that can definitely feel the same way.

There is a product that promises to give you beautiful skin in ONE MONTH.  It addresses all that I mention, and states immediate results.  It is called the Baiden Mitten.  I found this little treasure roaming around on  I was curious about different makeup and hair techniques that were used in the 50's and 60's.  I came across the skin portion of their site.  Surely they would recommend creams to help with my  Keratosis Pilaris, better known as Chicken Skin.  Little red bumps that kind of look like acne in areas like my arms and legs.  I also have dry, in some areas, loose skin along with stretch marks, or mommy marks.  I've also noticed how my skin lacks in luster like it use to due to my medication.

Well, I FINALLY was able to order my Baiden Mitten last week and it came in yesterday!  My hubby said I could have one for Mother's Day.  Trust me, I'm not the flowers, candy, and jewelry type of gal, so this was a perfect gift for me!  So, now you guys get to follow me on my Baiden Mitten adventure for AT LEAST a month to see what I think about it, how it is helping me, and decide for yourself it if is right for you.

Now, I did get to try it for the first time yesterday when it came in the mail.  I couldn't wait! I had to try it!  I haven't been this excited since I got my sewing machine!

Now, when you use this you have to soak in a tub for about 10-15 minutes.  The water has to be as hot as you can stand it.  It is important to keep in mind the more you are sweating the better the product will work. I sat in that tub, nothing in it, meaning no bubble bath, bath salts, or any other type of additive for a bath tub. Just nice clean water!  It was kind of nice to have that 15 minutes in the tub!  After I stood up and soaked my Baiden Mitten in the tub and squeezed out the access water.  I began on my left arm.  All of my dead skin began to roll up on my arm!  Ugh I was disgusted!  All that dead skin was still on me?!  My scrubby wasn't getting all of that off?!  How gross!  But as gross as I thought it was, I was also impressed!  Something that felt a little smoother than hard core sand paper not only treated my skin delicately but also got all the dead skin off of my arm and exfoliated it wonderfully.  Now there were some areas that I didn't get as much dead skin off of me or even any at all, but what I did get was amazing and shocking.

Now I know that you just reading my blog is not going to make you a believer about this, and I really don't expect it to.  I will tell you though I do have pictures for proof of what I will tell you.  Unfortunately I can't find the cord to the camera to upload them!  I will be sure to look for that tomorrow so you guys can judge for yourselves.

On to what I noticed it did!  I had to wait for my body to turn back to its original color.  I was pretty pink from the scrubbing and that hot bath!  I waited about 6 hours to really notice the results.  First thing I noticed is how smooth my face was.  That is the smoothest my skin has EVER been in such a long time.  I checked my legs where my KP (Keratosis Pilaris) is most prominent.  The bumps were still there, BUT they were much smaller than before I used my mitten!  I rubbed my arms, again, very smooth, indeed!  I still had a few bumps but it's much less than it was before.  The black heads around my nose reduced as well.  Awesome!  I also have those lovely mommy marks!  I looked at them and I would have to say they do look less prominent than they did before.  Unfortunately, I'm not going to swear to that.  When I took my before pictures I wore pants which are probably too tight, so you can be the judge, and I guess that could go for the tightening of my belly as well.  Next Tuesday I will be sure to wear comfy clothing so I don't have to worry about that!  Sorry guys, I am going to be honest about what I really think about this product!  If I do something I feel that may have gave the product a leg up so to speak I will let you know!

So, that is my results so far.  That is only after one try.  Did I also mention that you only use this mitten once a week when you first start using it?  So after four uses I should have that lovely lustrous skin I had back when I was 16!  Or I hope so anyways! ;)

I will try to post my before and after pictures tomorrow and will keep up with it after that, so every Tuesday you can expect another post with bunches of before and after pictures to view!

(You can purchase a Baiden Mitten here.  Everything is secure and even though they say they take 1-2 weeks it only took less than one for me to get mine!  Any questions?  Comment bellow!)