Thursday, May 9, 2013

Before and after: Week One

 So, as promised I have my before and after shots.  As a note, none of this has been edited in any way, even though I probably should have.  I look like caca.  All for the sake of a decent review I might add!  You will probably see that I'm not very bashful, or I try not to be.  So, be nice please!  Body shamming has never done anything but make people feel bad about themselves.  

So, the picture above is of my tummy.  I really didn't think this out as well as I should have.  For one you can tell the light is very different and that I had tight pants on causing those wrinkles.  I ask that you don't focus on that this time around and just kind of look at the stretch marks themselves.  You can see that they lightened up, at least a little, which is promising.  

The one above this time is of a bump that I have on my back side.  I'm not sure what it is, at all.  I've had it for a while and it can hurt and be itchy.  I'm hoping that the Baiden Mitten will help me with this as well, but honestly it looks like it might have irritated it more.  I still have some hope then.

So, here are some pictures of the sides of my face.  A little improvement I think.  I hope it continues on this path.

I think this shows a good deal of improvement.  You can see all my little freckles from being out in the sun earlier.  I really don't mind freckles, honestly, but you can tell I have less in the "after" picture.  (Oh my bags under my eyes!)

Remember me talking about "Chicken Skin," also known as Keratosis Pilaris?  This is a great picture to provide you with what it looks like.  You can see that it is greatly improved after using my Baiden Mitten.  I'm probably most thankful for that!

Now, here's a picture of my lips that are OFTEN chapped.  You can tell in this one and the pictures of my full face how chapped they get.  This is after one use of the Baiden Mitten.  Another aspect that I'm pretty impressed with, I must say!  

Now here's your grand finale!  You'll only get this once guys, I don't see the need to keep posting this over and over again unless in a video.  This is exactly what you probably think it is; dead skin that the Baiden Mitten rolled off of my good skin.  THAT in itself makes me feel that the money is worth this tiny little mitten.
Now, these photos were all taken within 6 hours of each other.  The long time period is due to how red my skin was after using the Baiden Mitten the first time.  I will post these EVERY Tuesday, now that I have a cord for my camera!  I'm sorry for the wait, guys.  I know people can get impatient with these things.  I'll also be sure to wear more comfy clothes to avoid the marks on my tum-tum, and be sure to take all pictures in the same location.  Again I apologize for that.. I got really excited when I first received this!  After all, it was my Mother's Day gift, early. :)

(You can purchase a Baiden Mitten here.  Everything is secure and even though they say they take 1-2 weeks it only took less than one for me to get mine!  Any questions?  Comment bellow!)

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