Thursday, May 23, 2013

A day later...

So, I realize that I'm not being completely fair.  When you see my skin about 6-8 hours after I have used the Baiden Mitten my skin is still in a healing process!  Things have not quite calmed down yet, and you can't expect it to after you've done such a deep exfoliation of your skin, right?  Well, I'm going to show you exactly why I decided to do this post, first though lets look at a picture of my leg with that lovely Keratosis Pilaris, or chicken skin. 

Above you can see a before and after shot.  That is from Tuesday.  The one on top is before my use of the Baiden Mitten and the one on the bottom is from about 6-8 hours after.  The one on the right is before I got into the shower.  I noticed that my KP didn't look as "angry" as it usually does!
(And yes, I wear black socks! :D  )

I took a close up so everyone could see, that yes, my KP is starting to be less prominent on my skin.  It is starting to even out, and I'm loving it!  I'm finally starting to get the beautiful skin I've always wanted!  It's taking a while, but nothing else has worked nearly as well as this little mitten!

I thought, well, that other picture is in shade so I took one with some shade on my leg!  It still doesn't look nearly as bad as it did before.  I was pretty happy about that too.  For some reason the shade makes them pop a little more but still looks better to me!  I'll let you judge for yourself.  Wait until you see the next pictures though!

Want to know something amazing about the two photos above?  I had just gotten out of the shower, and I even SHAVED!  My legs are always irritated and the bumps get worse after I actually use a razor.  They seem to even look better, and shaving was so much easier than it usually is when I didn't exfoliate with my Baiden Mitten.  

I can't tell you how excited this makes me.  I almost want to just cry at the results I have gotten so far with my Baiden Mitten.  My skin has never been so soft, and I've never got my KP to even out nearly as much as I have before this.  I thought I was stuck with these ugly red bumps for the rest of my life, but I'm seeing I'm wrong.  I have probably checked my legs about ten times since I've gotten out of the shower to see if my eyes weren't deceiving me.  They're not.  They're practically gone now.  Looking at this, I might not even have to use my Baiden Mitten twice a week.  I really wish I would have ordered this sooner!  I don't even think I need to buy lotion anymore my skin is so soft.

Here again are the links for information or if you want to order your own.  I'm telling you, you won't regret ordering it.  There is a 60 day money back guarantee on this product, but it won't even take you a month to become a believer and have the best skin you've ever had!  And as always, if you have any questions, let me know!  I'll be happy to answer them. :)


  1. :O i've been trying to get rid of those 'KP' on my legs for ever!

    1. Me too! It seems like it's going to take a while before it's completely gone but I'm already seeing amazing results! :)

  2. I'm so intrigued by this little mitten! Would love to give it a try ;-)

  3. I can't wait to try this! I've been wanting this for a while :)
