Monday, June 10, 2013

Exercise and a Shower!

My bathtub isn't readily available to me anytime I want to use it so I really wanted to figure something out to use my Baiden Mitten in the shower!  Now the admins at the Facebook Fanpage Baiden Mitten - Expect Miracles have told me it can be used in the shower, but I just felt that I wouldn't get the deep enough exfoliation that I usually get in a bath!

Well, my husband often helps his grandparents out with chores around their house that they can't do themselves.  He had to mow their lawn for them today, and if anyone knows Texas, they know it's not a cool state in the means of temperature!  So, he came in sweating from head to toe!  I mean just soak and wet!  That's when it hit me!  One suggestion I have read is that using the Baiden Mitten after a workout could be beneficial because of all the sweating you do.

One reason that the Baiden Mitten works so well is because you sweat to kind of "soak" your dead skin cells, which then softens them enough for the mitten to roll them off of your skin.  See, soaking in hot water, enough to make you sweat, will definitely get your dead skin cells really soft from both angles if you think about it.

I wanted to mimic this in some sort of way, so, before I took a shower tonight I did a workout!  Yes I was sweating.  Maybe not as much as when I go in the bathtub, but I was sweating a good deal!  I'm sure if I worked out more it would have helped out even more, but I hopped into the shower after with as hot water as I could stand it.  After about 10-15 minutes I started using my mitten and it worked just as well as when I was doing it in the bathtub!

So, it's safe to say that even a shower can work wonders with the Baiden Mitten.  I'll probably do it this way from now on for a few reasons.  One, because it's more convenient for me and my family, and two, because it encourages me to work out more.

Gotta get that beach bod some how!  ;)

Order link:

General info home page link:

Story of the Baiden Mitten link:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips to use the Baiden Mitten:

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