Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Still loving this little mitten!!

So, I have to say I'm still loving this mitten.  I'm sorry I haven't been so active like I said I was going to be.  I've been in school full time for the summer and it really is taking a lot of my time up.  I'm happy I'm doing it though!

So, everything is going great with my Baiden mitten still.  I still see results every time I use them, even in the shower.  I think I'm going to go back to using it in my bath tub though.  It may still work in the shower but I still notice better results in the bath tub than in the shower, even after a work out. 

That's another thing.  I have been trying to work out more this summer and get back into better shape.  Eating better and working out is also really great for your skin, in case you didn't know that already!  ;)

I'm really focusing in on my abs but dang it all, I feel set back sometimes with working out.  So far I've gained inches and pounds.  Not going to give up though.  I think I just need to work it a bit differently than I have been.  So time to reinvent my workout schedule, and my Baiden mitten one, and I think I'll be good to go!

I have also found this interesting article explaining how to rid your KP completely.  I've been doing more research on raw diets and such as well, and really believe this could help.  Of course, when they say raw diets, they don't mean EVERYTHING raw.  It's mainly a fruit and veggie type of diet.  This type of diet isn't for everyone though.  Trust me, I have tried something very similar to this, and I lasted a month!  The important thing, though, is to take small steps in eating healthier to have more beautiful skin!  Instead of french fries and potato chips, have roasted potatoes!  This is one of my favorite recipes for roasted potatoes!  I bet you'll like it too! Oh yes, and I can confirm.. getting a little sun every day works WONDERS for your KP. Just be sure to not burn! 

I think this is what I'm going to do as well; find some great recipes for you guys to try out!  Mostly veggie ones but some meat ones too.  The better we eat, the better our skin will be too!  It'll be great to transform with some other people as well!  So keep checking in!  Also, if you have a recipe you want to share, I would love to see it! 

To finish this one off, I'm almost at my second monthly photo of results with my Baiden mitten.  I'm going to share some other ways your Baiden mitten can help you guys out too! 

Order link:

General info home page link:

Story of the Baiden Mitten link:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips to use the Baiden Mitten:

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