Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Still loving this little mitten!!

So, I have to say I'm still loving this mitten.  I'm sorry I haven't been so active like I said I was going to be.  I've been in school full time for the summer and it really is taking a lot of my time up.  I'm happy I'm doing it though!

So, everything is going great with my Baiden mitten still.  I still see results every time I use them, even in the shower.  I think I'm going to go back to using it in my bath tub though.  It may still work in the shower but I still notice better results in the bath tub than in the shower, even after a work out. 

That's another thing.  I have been trying to work out more this summer and get back into better shape.  Eating better and working out is also really great for your skin, in case you didn't know that already!  ;)

I'm really focusing in on my abs but dang it all, I feel set back sometimes with working out.  So far I've gained inches and pounds.  Not going to give up though.  I think I just need to work it a bit differently than I have been.  So time to reinvent my workout schedule, and my Baiden mitten one, and I think I'll be good to go!

I have also found this interesting article explaining how to rid your KP completely.  I've been doing more research on raw diets and such as well, and really believe this could help.  Of course, when they say raw diets, they don't mean EVERYTHING raw.  It's mainly a fruit and veggie type of diet.  This type of diet isn't for everyone though.  Trust me, I have tried something very similar to this, and I lasted a month!  The important thing, though, is to take small steps in eating healthier to have more beautiful skin!  Instead of french fries and potato chips, have roasted potatoes!  This is one of my favorite recipes for roasted potatoes!  I bet you'll like it too! Oh yes, and I can confirm.. getting a little sun every day works WONDERS for your KP. Just be sure to not burn! 

I think this is what I'm going to do as well; find some great recipes for you guys to try out!  Mostly veggie ones but some meat ones too.  The better we eat, the better our skin will be too!  It'll be great to transform with some other people as well!  So keep checking in!  Also, if you have a recipe you want to share, I would love to see it! 

To finish this one off, I'm almost at my second monthly photo of results with my Baiden mitten.  I'm going to share some other ways your Baiden mitten can help you guys out too! 

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Story of the Baiden Mitten link:

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How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips to use the Baiden Mitten:

Monday, June 17, 2013

Witch hazel

Witch hazel is a shrub and is widely known for its healing properties for the skin!  I want to tell you, I'm fair skinned.  SHOCK right?  I'm sure you guys could tell that from my pictures that I was.  In case you haven't read my other blogs, I insist you do so because I assure you I'm pretty pale.  I've always been this way, and it's mostly due to the fact that I'm Irish and French, but I'm sure my lack of sun has something to do with it as well!  ;)

I want to tell you my story and experience with Witch hazel.  This is a pretty recent story, actually; yesterday to be exact.  We went to the zoo for Father's Day and for something to do.  Honestly, we rarely get to go out and do things, so it was a nice change of pace!  I have to be careful when I go out into the sun.  My medication will give me quite the reaction.  I'll blame the medication for my fair skin as well.  Seems fair right? :P

Okay back to my story!  Texas is HOT!  Very HOT!  The zoo is mostly shaded because of this, I assume, but not completely.  I dressed up nice with a cute little halter top, hair up Lucy style, my cat eye sunglasses, skinny jeans, and animal print flats.  Well with that said, I had a little skin that was exposed.  I'm sure you know where I'm getting at with this.  I got a little burned.  I completely forgot to wear sunscreen!  Everyone noticed when we got home that I had gotten a little too much sun, but I remembered that I had bought some Witch hazel from the store the day before.

The Witch hazel I purchased isn't some fancy brand, it's just your every day off brand version of the slightly more expensive stuff.  Witch hazel really isn't that expensive, even for the name brand stuff but I'm always trying to save a little extra money.

Well, since I remembered that I purchased some I remembered hearing that it was good for sunburns!  I originally purchased it to use with my Baiden Mitten because Witch hazel works by helping to heal your skin, so it does make sense that it would work for sun burns.  This morning I showed my hubby my burns and he was surprised that there was a slight pink tint on probably about a fourth of my burn; the rest was slightly tanned!  Everyone was convinced it would get more pink and start to hurt, but neither happened.  I was really happy with that!

So, now you know a little more about Witch hazel and how it has worked for me for my sunburn.  I actually used it with my Baiden Mitten today and I'm seeing some good results.  The redness in my skin seems to be going away much faster than it normally does, and my skin tone seems to be evening out on my face as well.

I'll update more on my process with it, also I'll be discussing coconut oil as well!  <3

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Story of the Baiden Mitten link:

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How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips to use the Baiden Mitten:

Monday, June 10, 2013

Exercise and a Shower!

My bathtub isn't readily available to me anytime I want to use it so I really wanted to figure something out to use my Baiden Mitten in the shower!  Now the admins at the Facebook Fanpage Baiden Mitten - Expect Miracles have told me it can be used in the shower, but I just felt that I wouldn't get the deep enough exfoliation that I usually get in a bath!

Well, my husband often helps his grandparents out with chores around their house that they can't do themselves.  He had to mow their lawn for them today, and if anyone knows Texas, they know it's not a cool state in the means of temperature!  So, he came in sweating from head to toe!  I mean just soak and wet!  That's when it hit me!  One suggestion I have read is that using the Baiden Mitten after a workout could be beneficial because of all the sweating you do.

One reason that the Baiden Mitten works so well is because you sweat to kind of "soak" your dead skin cells, which then softens them enough for the mitten to roll them off of your skin.  See, soaking in hot water, enough to make you sweat, will definitely get your dead skin cells really soft from both angles if you think about it.

I wanted to mimic this in some sort of way, so, before I took a shower tonight I did a workout!  Yes I was sweating.  Maybe not as much as when I go in the bathtub, but I was sweating a good deal!  I'm sure if I worked out more it would have helped out even more, but I hopped into the shower after with as hot water as I could stand it.  After about 10-15 minutes I started using my mitten and it worked just as well as when I was doing it in the bathtub!

So, it's safe to say that even a shower can work wonders with the Baiden Mitten.  I'll probably do it this way from now on for a few reasons.  One, because it's more convenient for me and my family, and two, because it encourages me to work out more.

Gotta get that beach bod some how!  ;)

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Story of the Baiden Mitten link:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips to use the Baiden Mitten:

Friday, June 7, 2013

The winners of the Baiden Mitten Giveaway!

So, as it turns out I'm not that suave to things like I was hoping I could announce one winner tonight and then announce the rest at the end of the month. As it turns out, I was wrong! I decided it would be in the best interest for everyone that I announce ALL the winners tonight. If I were to make a new giveaway then the entries from everyone else would be lost, and I just didn't think that was fair at all! Well, there they are guys! The winners! Please, congratulate them on their win! This is exciting stuff!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Please don't be too hurt if you didn't win though! I'm sure to have other giveaways in the future! Hopefully the gifts will be even more extravagant as well.

 One thing I know is that every woman should feel beautiful about themselves. This mitten has given me the most beautiful skin I have had since I was a small child. I know this could work for all of you as well. The Baiden Mitten team and I have given three lucky winners free Baiden mittens and I hope this helps not only them, but anyone else they tell about this little miracle worker.

 I can also tell you that if you purchase one, after the first use, you will know you spent your money well! 

Thanks everyone that entered my giveaway and helped me promote this mitten! I think I've had great success for a first timer.. what do you think?!

Order link:

General info home page link:

Story of the Baiden Mitten link:

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

How to use the Baiden Mitten:

Favorite tips to use the Baiden Mitten:

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Just an update

So, no worries, I'm still using the Baiden Mitten!  I'm probably going to do a post once or twice a week but they probably won't be pictures of my progress.  I'm going to start doing that once a month now!  I think it would get boring seeing the same pictures of my body parts every time! LOL!

Anyways, everything else is going great though!  I even have a theory about my KP and it "disappearing."  Well, I think when I use the mitten it does seem to irritate the KP.  The bumps aren't there but the dots come in full force.  They start diminishing though right away.  I can definitely tell the difference.  I think exfoliating really is helping my skin regenerate faster than it normally would!  After the second day, it seems like there's almost nothing there at all!  I'm going to try it a few more times before I come to this conclusion, but I think it's well worth it!  If it does seem true then I may extend actually exfoliating my legs to once every other week.

I also wanted to mention though how amazed I am right now at how many entries this giveaway has received!  As of this moment there is almost 2900 entries!  Of course that doesn't mean that amount of people entered but that's still an impressive number for one week into it!  Especially for someone like me who no one really knew!  I owe a lot of it to Sorelle though from Pin Up Passion.  She's really helped me out!

On that note, I would like to just clarify some things on the contest, though.  There are two mandatory tasks: Liking the Baiden Mitten- Expect Miracles Fanpage on Facebook AND commenting on any of the posts in this blog.  If I draw your name and find that you haven't done them both, I'm sorry but I'll have to disqualify you from the contest.  It just wouldn't be fair to all the other people that put the time in to do it.

Let's go to a brighter side of the road though, shall we?  Tomorrow is my daughter's birthday.  She's going to be 7 years old!  I'm thinking of being pretty generous and letting go of one of those Baiden Mittens earlier than anticipated!  I figure to celebrate not only my lovely daughter, I might celebrate all the entries that we've gotten so far!  Well, what do you guys think?!

Also, as always.  Have a question?  Post it!  If I don't know the answer then I'll look for it for you!  No biggie! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Week four! And special giveaway!

Okay ladies and gents, this is it, the one month extravaganza!  That's right.  It has been one whole month since I have first used my Baiden Mitten.  Yes I know this post is a few days late and I apologize, but unfortunately life happens!  The good news is, I teamed up with the Baiden Mitten management to bring you guys something really special!  A GIVEAWAY!  Honestly, I'm so impressed with how my Baiden Mitten has worked for me that I wanted to make sure the word got out!  They're allowing me to give away three Baiden Mittens, for free, to three, that's right, THREE lucky winners!

Fulfill the tasks bellow for multiple entries to the giveaway!  Good luck to everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Okay now on to my month long before and afters!

Okay, as you can see I'm using the pictures from before I used my Baiden Mitten the very first time.  What do you think?  Honestly I see a great deal of difference here.  My skin is becoming more evenly toned and the dark circles under my eyes are starting to go away.  

Here are more close ups of the side of my face.  Again, my skin tone looks so much more evenly toned.  I love it!  I still have those red cheeks of course!  They just don't seem to be as bad!  Hopefully this will continue.  

Oh the lips.. Yes lips!  There's something about lips that says so much.  I can tell you before my Baiden Mitten my lips were very chapped, can you tell?  That barely happens anymore.  They're so much more full of life.  I don't even need to use chapstick anymore.  

It's hard to tell the difference here, but there is one.  Again my skin is becoming more evenly toned and super soft!  Those little bumps are also becoming less noticeable.  I never really had too many on my arms though like I do my legs.  
Oh look at my beautiful mommy marks!  Can you tell that they're really starting to lessen?  They're not as deep as they use to be.  My belly again, super soft!  I'm also thrilled again that the marks are becoming red.  That gives me hope that they could lessen even more and become unnoticeable.  

Awww, and the legs, with the Kp (Keratosis Pilaris).  This product has helped me so much with my KP.  I'm so thankful for it too.  I still have a ways to go before it actually stops coming back, but after last week, I'm very hopeful.  The fact that after my first shower after using it last week made them almost completely disappear is phenomenal!  Also, you can see from the top picture that the pumps were actually pumps, they're no longer like that.  They're just spots now on my skin.  No bumps, just evenly soft skin!

So at the end of the month, do I have the most beautiful skin I have ever had?!  YES!  Would I continue to purchase this product?  Absolutely!  Will I continue to show you the results and share wonderful information along the way?  You bet!  I plan on giving tons of information about exfoliating and natural ways to hydrate your skin. So this isn't the end of the road!  

Are you still interested in learning more about this wonderful mitten?  Or maybe you don't want to wait 3 weeks to be a potential winner?  Click the links below and get started!  <3

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A day later...

So, I realize that I'm not being completely fair.  When you see my skin about 6-8 hours after I have used the Baiden Mitten my skin is still in a healing process!  Things have not quite calmed down yet, and you can't expect it to after you've done such a deep exfoliation of your skin, right?  Well, I'm going to show you exactly why I decided to do this post, first though lets look at a picture of my leg with that lovely Keratosis Pilaris, or chicken skin. 

Above you can see a before and after shot.  That is from Tuesday.  The one on top is before my use of the Baiden Mitten and the one on the bottom is from about 6-8 hours after.  The one on the right is before I got into the shower.  I noticed that my KP didn't look as "angry" as it usually does!
(And yes, I wear black socks! :D  )

I took a close up so everyone could see, that yes, my KP is starting to be less prominent on my skin.  It is starting to even out, and I'm loving it!  I'm finally starting to get the beautiful skin I've always wanted!  It's taking a while, but nothing else has worked nearly as well as this little mitten!

I thought, well, that other picture is in shade so I took one with some shade on my leg!  It still doesn't look nearly as bad as it did before.  I was pretty happy about that too.  For some reason the shade makes them pop a little more but still looks better to me!  I'll let you judge for yourself.  Wait until you see the next pictures though!

Want to know something amazing about the two photos above?  I had just gotten out of the shower, and I even SHAVED!  My legs are always irritated and the bumps get worse after I actually use a razor.  They seem to even look better, and shaving was so much easier than it usually is when I didn't exfoliate with my Baiden Mitten.  

I can't tell you how excited this makes me.  I almost want to just cry at the results I have gotten so far with my Baiden Mitten.  My skin has never been so soft, and I've never got my KP to even out nearly as much as I have before this.  I thought I was stuck with these ugly red bumps for the rest of my life, but I'm seeing I'm wrong.  I have probably checked my legs about ten times since I've gotten out of the shower to see if my eyes weren't deceiving me.  They're not.  They're practically gone now.  Looking at this, I might not even have to use my Baiden Mitten twice a week.  I really wish I would have ordered this sooner!  I don't even think I need to buy lotion anymore my skin is so soft.

Here again are the links for information or if you want to order your own.  I'm telling you, you won't regret ordering it.  There is a 60 day money back guarantee on this product, but it won't even take you a month to become a believer and have the best skin you've ever had!  And as always, if you have any questions, let me know!  I'll be happy to answer them. :)